Monday, March 18, 2013

Welcome to Doc's Honey Farm. We have a very small operation but it allows us to give our 'girls' the attention they deserve. They do a lot of hard work for us, collecting the nectar, training and feeding the next generation, pollinating our fruit trees and flowers.

All they ask is that we give them a dry place to live with as much sunlight as possible, not always easy here in the northwest, and when the nectar bars are closed, to give them some sugar water to keep the hive going.

They would prefer that we don't come into the hive to visit, but to maintain good hive health, we have to go in and check on them every now and then. The queen is the most critical element to the survival of the hive. If she is healthy and happy, she will be laying eggs. Periodically, we have to go in and make sure she is laying. If she isn't, it is time for a new queen.

The Pacific Northwest is not the easiest place in the world to raise bees because of the moisture which can collect in the hive and cause disease and other problems. But if moisture can be kept under control, our variety of vegetation provides a wonderful array of honey.

We generally have three types during the season. The first batch is blackberry. When the first blossoms start to open up, the girls waste no time collecting the nectar as long as it is flowing. The moisture content and temperature have to be just right and when it is the girls are as busy as, well, bees. Blackberry honey is golden amber, translucent and delicious. My personal favorite!

The second batch of honey we collect is usually a little bit mixed. We have wildflowers, fruits and vegetables growing all around our region in mid to late summer, so the honey becomes a little heavier than the light blackberry, though there is still plenty of blackberry in the mix. It has a higher sugar content and tends to be slightly thicker.

The end of the season batch is knotweed honey. This invasive weed is hated by most everyone as it grows so quickly and takes over natural vegetation. But the bees go crazy for it. This honey is dark brown and looks like maple syrup. It has a stronger flavor, but rich and satisfying as the days grow shorter and colder. This is usually the smallest batch produced, therefore it can be more expensive than earlier season honey.

Give us a ring at Email Doc's Honey farm,, for more information about where to buy our honey.